Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Is The Whole Country Watching ND?

Your new little baby means booties and toys
Happiness, sunshine and hundreds of joys!
This new delivery means love every day,
What wonderful times are coming your way!

The answer to, Is The Whole Country Wathing ND?, is probably yes but they have also included other states, TX being the newest to adopt controversial abortion laws.

Here is a study by Guttmacher Institute reporting that women listed the following amoungst their reasons for choosing to have an abortion.

    Having a baby would dramatically change my life

    I cannot afford a baby now

    I do not want to b a single mother or having relationship problems

    I have completed my chid bearing days

    I am not ready for another (or a) child

    I do not want people to know I had sex and got pregnant

    I do not feel mature enough to raise a (or another) child

    My partner wants me to have an abortion

    There are possible problems affecting the health of the fetus

    I am concerned about my health

    My parents want me to have an abortion

    1% were the victim of rape

    And less than 0.5% became pregnant as a result of incest.

One person had this to say. "There are so many loving couples out there that would love to adopt a baby and would be willing to adopt from unwanted pregnancies. Someone has to speak for the unborn child. Too many women use Abortion as a BIRTH CONTROL method. THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY IRRESPONSIBLE PEOPLE!

What about Birth Control? That is the way to prevent prgnancies and actually plan for when you really want a baby.

This is how a person can make a Birth Control decision on the type of birth contraol method. Source: Adapted from WHO, 2007

From the best to the least effective:



*IUD, implant

*LAM (for 6 months) breastfeed often, day and night

*Pill - take the pill every day

*Ring, Path - keep in place, change on time


*Male Condom

*Female Condom


*Cervical cap


*Spermicide - use correctly every time you have sex

*Fertility awareness based method. Abstain or use condoms on fertile days.

As you can see, there are many different ways to plan pregnancies.

But no matter what you are, pro or con, just remember that love is more important than coming to believe that YOU are right.

If your birthday is today, June 25th, then this SendOutCard is for you.

Some famous people who were born on June 25th are:

Jimmy Walker turns 66
Carly Simon turns 68
George Michael turns 50
June Lockhart turns 88
Ricky Gervais turns 52
Layla El turns 36
Neil Lennon turns 42
Matt Schaub turns 32
Lala Anthony turns 34
Dikembe Mutombo turns 47
Lauren Faust turns 39
Mike Kroeger turns 41
Phyllis George turns 64
Anthony Bourdain turns 57
Lala Vazquez turns 34
Scott Terra turns 26
Willis Reed turns 71
Sonia Sotomayer turns 59
Dell Curry turns 49
Busy Philipps turns 34
On June 25, 1947, the Diary of Anne Frank is published.
On June 25, 1876, Custer's Last Stand.
On June 25, 1638, a lunar eclipse becomes the fiirst astronomical event recorded in the United States.
On June 25, 1630 the fork is introduced to American dining.


Thanks for stopping by.  Hope to see you tomorrow.

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